Thursday, November 22, 2012

Die Deutsche Sprache

When i first started learning German, people were encouraging.
They kept saying,
"You'll pick it up quickly, it's really similar to English!"
 Let's see...
In German, also means so, whereas the English also translates to auch.
So, also does not mean also.

Eis [pronounced ice] is ice cream.
Don't ask for that in your water :(
Ordering peperoni pizza will result in peppers on your cheese rather than pepperoni.

A scarf is a Shal-
A shawl is a Shal as well.

A handy [although handy] is a cell phone.
A handy object would be considered praktisch.

We call ballerina flats just flats, whereas German makes use of the other half of the word, calling them ballerinas.
Which sounded ridiculous at first [I'm wearing ballerinas. On my feet.], but wearing flats isn't any more logical, with a flat being synonymous with a condominium.
[I'm wearing living spaces on my feet, aha..]

Art isn't art- it's a type of something, whereas art translates to kunst.
There's certainly more than one art of art though.

If it's starting to rain lightly, don't try using the word Mist- that would be manure

If someone offers you gift [stranger or otherwise], you should by no means accept it; it's not a gift-- rather, poison is the English word.

You'll look a little odd winking an eye if you wink, seeing as winken means to wave.

And the worst one of all---
A million is a Million
but an English billion is a Milliarde,
whereas a trillion is a Billion.
German and English being similar?
That right there is the problem.
Thanks, false friends.

However, that's to say absolutely nothing of German grammar...
And not even the nitpicky, complex, advanced grammar.
Just basic, necessary, everyday nouns are impossible.
Thanks, der/die/das.

And then there's the problem of straight-up English
 being pumped into the language at every given opportunity.
Thanks, globalization.

Ich liebe die Deutsche Sprache <3 <3 <3

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